Hello, I’m Joe Vennix, and this is where I blog.

I am a twenty-four year-old software security engineer. In the past I've worked on Metasploit, RetailMeNot, and clay.io, and majored in CS at the University of Texas at Austin. I like to do random security research, with a focus on Android and OS X.

I am currently busy with life and stuff, but from time to time I will post a personal project up here.

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Improvements to jsobfu, Metasploit's Javascript Obfuscator

Posted on 27 Dec 2014

(Note: this is a cross-post of an article I wrote for Metasploit’s blog. The original post can be found here).

Several months ago, Wei sinn3r Chen and I landed some improvements to Metasploit’s Javascript obfuscator, jsobfu. Most notably, we moved it out to its own repo and gem, wrapped it in tests, beefed up its AV resilience, and added a command line interface so that it can be used from the CLI outside of metasploit-framework.

Obfuscation over the years

jsobfu was written by James egypt Lee and was the first Javascript obfuscator in the framework that used a proper parser (tenderlove’s rkelly gem) and AST transformations to obfuscate. It was written to replace the Rex::Exploitation::ObfuscateJS mixin, which was a simpler and less effective regex-based variable renamer (it is still in the Framework to support legacy modules, but jsobfu is the way to go nowadays). Also useful is the Rex::Exploitation::EncryptJS mixin, which encodes the malicious Javascript with a random XOR key and wraps it in an eval wrapper. This can be handy when dealing with static/signatured AV engines.

Module Usage

If you are writing a browser exploit or Javascript post-exploitation module, we have added a convenient mixin for allowing dead-simple obfuscation that can be controlled by the end-user with a datastore option. Your code will look something like:

include Msf::Exploit::JSObfu

def generate_html

Note that the Msf::Exploit::JSObfu mixin is automatically pulled in when you use the BrowserExploitServer.

When the js_obfuscate method is used, the user has control over the level of obfuscation iterations through an advanced datastore option called JsObfuscate:

Name           : JsObfuscate
Current Setting: 0
Description    : Number of times to obfuscate JavaScript

The Gem

The new jsobfu Ruby gem can be installed in a snap:

$ gem install jsobfu

This installs the jsobfu library and adds a global jsobfu shell command that will read Javascript code from stdin and obfuscate it:

$ echo "console.log('Hello World')" | jsobfu

window[(function () { var E="ole",d="ons",f="c"; return f+d+E })()][(String.fromChar

There is also an optional iterations parameter that allows you to obfuscate a specified number of times:

$ echo "console.log('Hello World')" | jsobfu 3

window[(function(){var T=String[(String.fromCharCode(102,114,0x6f,109,0x43,104,97,0x
15),(1*('Q'.length*(1*0x40+14)+19)+4)),Z=(function(){var c=String.fromCharCode(0x6e,
0163),I=String.fromCharCode(99,0x6f);return I+c;})();return Z+T;})()][(String[(Strin
g[((function () { var r="de",t="mCharCo",M="f",_="ro"; return M+_+t+r })())]((0x6*0x
Code(0x67,85,0155,0156,75,84,0114,0x4c)[((function () { var f="ngth",F="e",x="l"; re
turn x+F+f })())]*((function () { var n='m',a='Q'; return a+n })()[(String.fromCharC
ode(0154,101,110,0x67,0x74,104))]*(function () { var w='d',A='tMf'; return A+w })()[
((function () { var yG="ngth",q5="e",J="l"; return J+q5+yG })())]+'SX'.length)+'crFi
Kaq'.length)+(1*026+2)),('p'.length*(06*15+10)+'nnU'.length)))]((function(){var En=S
(3*041+9),('eHUOhZL'.length*(0x1*(01*9+1)+3)+9)),Y=(function(){var z=(function () {
var Sf='r'; return Sf })(),Z=(function () { var N='o'; return N })(),C=String.fromCh
arCode(0x57);return C+Z+z;})(),k=String[((function () { var b="e",s="od",p="fromCha"
,H="rC"; return p+H+s+b })())](('C'.length*('H'.length*('Ia'.length*0xf+3)+12)+27),(
(1*('B'.length*(0x1*29+20)+24)+38),(0x2*020+0));return k+Y+En;})());

The Implementation

The original approach of jsobfu is simple: obfuscate String, object, and number literals by transforming them into random chunks of executable statements. For example, the statement:


Might be transformed a number of different ways (variables are renamed during transformation):



(function () { var t="C",_="B",h="A"; return h+_+t })();

Or even:

(function(){var k=String.fromCharCode(0103),d=String.fromCharCode(0x42),
  v=(function () { var I="A"; return I })();return v+d+k;})();

In order to make this useful in evading AV, we wanted to be sure that every signaturable string in the original code was (possibly) randomized. Because Javascript allows property lookups from a string, it is possible to rewrite all property lookups into small, randomly chosen chunks of code. This makes de-obfuscation rather tedious for a human, since a lot of code is executing and there is no straightforward place to put a hook (as opposed to an eval-based approach).

So if you obfuscate code that performs a lookup:

// input:
var obj = {};
var x = obj.y;

The lookup will be obfuscated with a randomly chosen String literal transformation:

// obfuscated output:
var K = {};
var X = K[(String.fromCharCode(0x79))];

Global lookups must also be dealt with:

// input:
var x = GlobalObject.y;

Global lookups are resolved against the window global, so they too can be obfuscated:

// obfuscated output:
var G = window[String.fromCharCode(0x47,0x6c,0x6f,0142,97,0x6c,79,98,0x6a,
101,99,0x74)][((function () { var i="y"; return i })())];